what is weight converter?
Online Weight converter is a tool that converts weight from one unit to another. It is useful for converting weight from grams to kilograms, pounds, ounces, tons, micrograms, stones, carats.
how to use weight converter?
To use weight converter, you need to enter the weight in the first field and select the source unit and the destination unit. Then click on the convert button.
Conversion formula
Desired weight unit = (Current weight × FromFactor) ÷ toFactor
Unit | Conversion Factor |
GRAM | 1 |
KILOGRAM | 1000 |
MILLIGRAM | 0.001 |
POUND | 453.592 |
OUNCE | 28.3495 |
TONNE | 1000000 |
MICROGRAM | 0.000001 |
STONE | 6350.29497 |
CARAT | 0.2 |
Example: Convert 1 OUNCE to MICROGRAM
OUNCE Factor = 28.3495
MICROGRAM Factor = 0.000001
1 OUNCE = (1 * 28.3495) / 0.000001 = 28349500 MICROGRAM