Number to Word Converter

What is the need to convert number in words

Converting large number into words is better as it can make the reading process easier and much simpler that even a 5 year old can understand. It is much easy to recall a number in the form of words rather than spitting the numeric form. This increases productivity and boost the confidence of the person making the calculation in mind.

Can you convert currency numbers to words?

Yes, you can also convert currency numbers to words without any problem. Most folks prefer to convert their monthly or annual salary numbers to words and that’s why this tool is capable of changing any numeric digit into an alphabetic form.

For example, if your salary is $100 in numbers that it can be written as One Hundred dollars in words. Similarly if you earn $1000 a month then it can be written as One Thousand.

But here’s the thing, only a single zero is added and the place value changes from H to Th. We are humans and make calculation errors while writing numerically especially in banking. It is important to carefully examine the place value while exchanging currency or filling cheques because a small error can break your bank account and can cause you losses.

Prevention is better that cure. So, always prefer to convert the numeric form into words before writing a check and if it contain decimal places then round off to 2 decimal places. It’s your choice, either you want to use uppercase, lowercase, Hindi, or Indian format but preferably convert the large digits into readable format. Here are some popular currency formats in which most foreign exchange took place:

  • U.S. Dollar (USD)
  • British Pound (GBP)
  • Japanese Yen (JPY)
  • European Euro (EUR)
  • Indian Rupees(INR)
  • Swiss Franc (CHF)
  • Canadian Dollar (CAD)
  • Australian/New Zealand Dollar (AUD/NZD)

For example, if your monthly salary is $1000 then it will be written as One thousand dollars in words.

How to Convert number to words?

You can convert number to words by using this converter. Just enter the numbers in the text field that you want to convert and the result will be returned in the form of English and Hindi alphabets. It is as simple as that.

Convert number to words in Excel

Some people prefer excel over any software. During early 2010s, when MS Excel was first launched, it wasn’t having a build in function to directly transform a no into word format. But today, you can achieve the same task by entering your numeric values in the cell of Microsoft excel. Here are the steps you need to follow:

Select the cell in which you want to display the alphabetic form Enter the following formula—>>SpellNumber(address of cell with number you want to convert) Press Enter to get the desired result Alternate Method to transfer No. to words using Excel When no readymade function was setup for transferring number to words, people used to create modules to convert numeric values into English words. Microsoft Office creators didn’t want to add a tool at first place but when they realized the necessity thousands of users asked for the feature.

They launched a special VBA macro code that you can use to fulfil the same task but the above method allows the same thing without any complicated HTML or VBA code. We will also prefer to use the above method or Number to words calculator online to effectively convert numbers into a beautiful textual format.