Length is a measure of distance. The length unit converter tool can convert different lengths in different units.
It can convert between miles, kilometers, feet, meters and yards. It also has a variety of other features that may be useful for people who work with measurements on a regular basis.
How to convert NAUTICAL_MILES to METER?
To use the NAUTICAL_MILES to METER converter tool, simply enter the length you want to convert and select the NAUTICAL_MILES and METER. Then click on the convert button.
The NAUTICAL_MILES to METER converter tool will convert the length and display the result.
You can also clear the length and units and start again.
The length unit converter tool is a free and open source tool. You can use it for free and can also use it for commercial purposes.
Conversion factor table
Desired length unit = (Current length × FromFactor) ÷ toFactor
Unit | Conversion Factor |
METER | 1 |
KILOMETER | 1000 |
MILLIMETER | 0.001 |
INCH | 0.393700787 |
FEET | 0.032808399 |
YARD | 0.010936133 |
MILE | 1609.344 |
FURLONGS | 201.168 |
Example: Convert 1 mile to meters
Mile Factor = 1609.344
Meter Factor = 1
1 mile = (1 * 1609.344) / 1 = 1609.344 meters